Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Sorry temen2 udah jarang bgt update posting soalnya gw lg sibuk kuliah bgt nih bingung hehehe... Next time klo ada waktu pasti langsung posting deh hehehe.... By the way gw potong rambut pixie hair gitu. Picture nya menyusul yah teman2... Bye2 mmmuuuaaahhhh.....


  1. i'm the first one to leave a comment ! (: lol
    difoto dong ci rambut barunya

  2. Wynne Prasetyo : Thanks u bebz for your comment. Ok pasti secepatnya aku upload fotonya yah say. Ok2....

  3. huaaaaa rambut lu kan panjang banget!!! ga sayang tuh? hahaha

  4. uph festival seru kok tp cape uahuahhahaha.. ci request dong. setelah ngebahas celebrity smokers kan kita tau nih seleb mana yg kayaknya baik2 tau2 ngerokok (no offense to smokers).. skg pengen tau seleb mana yg imagenya bandel2tp pernah melakukan sesuatu yg inspiring. hahaha ribet ye. just a though

  5. Febrina : Hahaha sebenernya syg bgt sih tp rambutku gak tahan sama rontoknya say. Pdhl kpn hari aku pernah comment diposting mu jgn potong pendek yah heemmm malah aku deh yg potong pendek hahaha....

    Wynne Prasetyo : Next time lg yah bebz tp pasti secepatnya nanti aku posting yah. Thx bebz...

  6. hahahaah lupa foto ya tadi ya????
    lagi lemes siii.hahahaha

  7. Jessica : Iya bebz kita lupa foto yah... Next time kita ketemu lg yah say, ok2. Nice to meet you girl....

  8. hai haiii
    datang ke blog aku yaa.. aku jualan juga lo skrg

    dilihat2 yaaaa =)
    thx alot darlaaa

    wew wanna see your hair

  9. Vorega Badalamanti : Ok of course... Thanks too for your comment.

  10. can't wait to see your new hair :)

  11. Fika : Oh ok tunggu ya bebz hihihi..... And thanks for your comment.


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